Questions to ask yourself when choosing a therapist

So you’ve decided to begin therapy. That alone is a brave step that takes courage. I hope you allow yourself to feel that courage for a moment.

As you seek a therapist, you’ll likely hear a lot about finding the right fit. Sometimes finding the right fit comes easy, other times it can be a challenge. Generally, when I speak with someone during a free fifteen minute phone consultation I encourage that individual to call around to one or two other therapists and ask similar questions. Should an individual decide to schedule an initial consultation with me, I want them to have made an informed decision and a decision that we can revisit throughout the course of therapy. As you engage in that process below are some questions that you are invited to reflect on. While there may not be the perfect therapist, these questions may help you identify a good enough fit as you seek to engage in therapy.

Questions to ask yourself when choosing a therapist

What’s most important in a therapist or counselor is a sense of connection, safety, and support. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does it seem like the therapist truly cares about you and your problems?

  • Do you feel as if the therapist understands you?

  • Does the therapist accept you for who you are?

  • Would you feel comfortable revealing personal information to this individual?

  • Do you feel as if you can be honest and open with this therapist? That you don’t have to hide or pretend you’re someone that you’re not?

  • Is the therapist a good listener? Does he or she listen without interrupting, criticizing, or judging? Pick up on your feelings and what you’re really saying? Make you feel heard?

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