Professional Presentations

Allen,T., (2024).  Resilience in Practice for the Rurally Located Helping Professional. Presented at the Minnesota Social Service Association Annual Conference. March 21 st , 2024, Minneapolis, MN

Allen, T. (2024). More than Free Pizza: Fostering Resilience in Local Public Health. Presented to Local Public Health Association of MN, March 8 th, 2024. Virtual.

Allen, T., Cronin, S., Murn, L. (2022). Anti-Racist Allyship: Decentralizing Whiteness in Teaching, Clinical Supervision, and Beyond. Symposia 2.0 session accepted for annual conference of the American Psychological Association, August 4 th , 2022. Minneapolis, MN.

Cronin, S., Allen, T., Skovholt, T., Hou, J., Walker, L. (2022). Therapist Resilience and Development in an Ever-Changing World. Program presented at Minnesota Psychological Association Annual Conference. April 29th, 2022. Minneapolis, MN.

Allen, T., Cronin, S. (2021). Highly resilient practitioners: Connectedness in times of disconnection. Accepted Professional Development Session. Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference April 24, 2021. Virtual.

Allen, T., Maples, A., Greir-Reed, T. (2020). Integrated behavioral health care psychologists in rural Minnesota. Partnering with Minnesota: Connecting the University with Urban, Suburban, and Rural Communities through Public Engagement. March 5th, 2020. Minneapolis, MN

Allen, T., Cronin, S. (2020). Resiliency as a college counseling center psychologist: An exploration. Lecture presented at the Minnesota State University Counselors’ Association Annual Conference. January 31st, 2020. Mankato, MN.

Allen, T. (2018). Building Resilience and avoiding burnout in childcare. Lecture presented to annual workshop for the Children’s Center, University of Maine, Orono, ME.

Allen, T., Martyr, M. (2017). Building resilience and well-being by navigating boundaries when working with “small communities”. Skill-Building Session presented at the annual conference of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

Martyr, M., Allen, T. (2017). Outside the Therapy Hour: How Strong Can My Identity and Voice Be? Symposium Session presented at the annual conference of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

Allen, T. (2016). The Changing Landscape of Rural Minnesota: An examination of rural health clinics and providers in Minnesota. Poster presented at the Minnesota Psychological Association Rural Behavioral Health Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN.

Allen, T. (2016). The Changing Landscape of Rural Minnesota: An examination of rural health clinics and providers in Minnesota. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Minnesota Psychological Association, Minneapolis, MN.

Allen, T. (2016). The Changing Landscape of Rural Minnesota: An examination of rural health clinics and providers in Minnesota. Poster presented at the annual conference of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.

Martyr, M., Cronin, S., Allen, T., & Heath, P. (2016). Do other therapists do this, too? Rituals within psychotherapy practice. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.

Burke, C., Allen, T., Cronin, S., Martyr, M. (2015). My Professor Did Not Cover This: Responding to the meaning underlying client gifts. Symposium paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Burke, C., Allen, T., Cronin, S., & Martyr, M. (2015). Stalking the best response: Gifts, money, and client curiosity about the therapist. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


Cronin, S., Allen, T., & Hou, J., Walker., L. (2022). Therapist Resilience in an Ever-Changing World: A systematic review. Journal of Prevention and Health Promotion. In press 2022.

Allen, T., Grier-Reed, T., & Maples, A. (2020). On the frontier: Exploring rural psychologist practice in integrated behavioral health care. Journal of Rural Mental Health, 44(2), 106. Available at

Yussen, S.R., Allen, T., Cronin, S., Dienhart, C., Martyr, M., Song, W., & VanMeerten, N. A growing chasm of opportunity for American children: A review of Robert Putnam’s Our kids: The American Dream in Crisis. Educational Researcher.